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Meeting between TJF directors and PTFC Trust trustees

This was first released as a members-only update. In response to feedback it has been made available to the wider Thistle support. If you want to be kept in the loop, and to have your say in the future direction of our Club, you can join The Jags Foundation today. On Tuesday 1st November, five…

TJF Analysis of the PTFC Ltd Accounts 2021-22
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TJF Analysis of the PTFC Ltd Accounts 2021-22

The Jags Foundation Board has taken the last few days to read, understand and reflect on, the Football Club’s annual accounts for the year ended 31st May 2022. We have compiled a report, explaining some of the most important parts of those accounts, and placing the numbers into context as best we can. Revaluation of…

London World Cup Gathering – Saturday 26th November
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London World Cup Gathering – Saturday 26th November

We’ve had a great response from members and non-members alike to our Nomadic World Cup gathering in London. It looks as though the most popular date is Saturday 26th November, for the France v Denmark (4pm KO) and Argentina v Mexico (7pm KO) fixtures. Thank you to those who gave us suggestions for a venue….