Corporate Governance

The Jags Foundation is the trading name of a company limited by guarantee called TJF 1876 Limited (SC682546). Its registered office is Firhill Stadium, 80 Firhill Road, Glasgow, G20 7AL. The full filing history for the company can be found at Companies House.

These rules govern the operation of the company. They were last updated in June 2023, to reflect the new “corporate trustees” fan ownership model, and to allow TJF to have non-voting U16 memberships.

Change of Company Name

Adopted by a board resolution

6th September 2022

On Tuesday 6th September 2022, the TJF Board of Directors adopted a resolution, pursuant to Article 172 of the Articles of Association, to change the company name.

It changed from Kilmardinny 71 Limited to TJF 1876 Limited.

Accounts 2021-22

Year-end 30 September 2022

Available on member request

The first full financial year of the Foundation ended on 30th September 2022.

The full accounts for 2021-22 were circulated to members and are available on request. Statutory accounts were lodged with Companies House following the June 2023 AGM.

Accounts 2022-23

Year-end 30 September 2023

Available on member request

The second full financial year of the Foundation ended on 30th September 2023.

The full accounts for 2022-23 were circulated to members on Sunday 10th March 2024 and are available on request. Statutory accounts will be lodged with Companies House following the 2024 AGM.

Under Article 12 of the Articles of Association, the TJF Board of Directors may establish a set of membership rules. These govern eligibility, membership rates and expiry/termination of membership.

The most recent rules allow Under 16s to join the Foundation as non-voting members for £10 per season.

TJF Directors are bound by the Foundation’s Social Media Policy.

Election Rules and Guidelines

Certain aspects of TJF Board Elections are governed by the Articles of Association (see Articles 67-72). Those articles may be supplemented by Election Rules and Guidelines, under Article 72. Those will be published and promulgated alongside the notice of elections whenever they fall due. The most recent Election Rules and Guidelines were approved and published ahead of the 2024 elections.