Good evening Jags fans.

Following our second board meeting, I wanted to give you a further update on the Foundation’s activities. Your new board members have been very busy since taking office, and I am grateful to them all for their positivity and commitment to date.

Since we took office less than three weeks ago, there have been several positive developments I want to share with you.

Firstly, we have seen a significant increase in the membership of the Foundation, which has reached a new high of over 530. Thank you to all the new and returning members who have put their faith in the new TJF Board. Growing the membership will be a key focus for us in the coming weeks and months.

In relation to membership subscriptions, we will shortly be giving an update on the “payment pause” that is in place, setting out when and how that will be lifted.

The Engagement sub-group has already developed exciting plans for two Foundation events in the coming weeks. Our first social event will provide an opportunity for you to meet the Board and discuss the concept of fan ownership, and our progress towards it. You’ll have the chance to ask us questions in an informal setting, but also to get to know and mingle with fellow members in the TJF community.

There will also be a series of more information-focused events. We hope to have input at these from individuals who have been through the fan-ownership process at other clubs. We think it will be useful for both our Board and members more generally to learn about the challenges they faced, how they overcame them, and what were the key factors for them in making fan ownership a success.

We will be providing more information about these events very soon but pencil in your diary Sunday 31 July (for the social event) and Friday 19 August (for the information event). We would love to see as many Jags fans as possible at these events, both to show support for what we’re trying to do and to learn more about how we want to achieve it.

If you cannot make the organised events, we will also have a regular presence at home games. All our Board members are also happy to be approached by members, or potential members, with any questions they may have, for example though our social media channels. We have a Twitter, a Facebook, a new Instagram and we’re even on LinkedIn.

We have also been looking at our own corporate governance. We have prepared updates to the Articles of Association (the rules of the Foundation), and these will be put to a General Meeting for approval shortly.

Finally, I can also confirm that The Jags Foundation is continuing its dialogue with Three Black Cats and, when there is something substantive to report back, members will be updated.

If you have questions, they need not wait until the events mentioned above, and I am happy to answer any questions emailed to me at

Thank you again for your support, and keep an eye on the website for various announcements in the coming days.

Sandy Fyfe

Chair, The Jags Foundation