Common sense has prevailed. This morning Jacqui Low contacted the Foundation on behalf of the Club Board and advised that, after all, The Jags Foundation would be permitted to have stalls in the John Lambie and Jackie Husband Stands as before. This is the correct decision, and we are grateful to those who clearly understood the ridiculousness of the situation and urged a change of course.

This means that we will be able to distribute McParland Pins as originally planned this evening. We intend to have our stalls set-up in their usual places on the concourses from around 7:15pm up until kick-off.

We know that feelings have run high in recent weeks, because Thistle fans feel very strongly about what is right for our club. We had previously urged the Club and Three Black Cats to work with us on a joint statement urging moderation and respect for other members of the wider Thistle community. This was declined at the time. We hope that this decision signals a move in that direction on their part.

For the avoidance of doubt, we urge everyone to conduct themselves respectfully towards their fellow fans, and encourage them to listen to what the PTFC Trustees have to say and to engage with them civilly and politely. They deserve a fair hearing, even though we have grave reservations about what they have planned for our club and how those proposals were arrived at.

Now, our own attentions turn to the match itself, where we will all be hoping that Ian McCall’s men can secure three points and get our league campaign heading in the right direction.