Dear Members,
We write to you in response to today’s announcement from Three Black Cats that The Jags Foundation will not be the recipient of Colin Weirs majority shareholding.
The sole purpose of The Jags Foundation is to be the custodian of those shares for Partick Thistle fans forever. In taking ownership we would get to preserve the legacy and help build the future with PTFC. Therefore we are exceptionally disappointed in the unilateral decision taken by 3BC.
This is a project that all the TJF volunteers worked on for over 2 years in good faith.
We had doubts about the commitment of 3BC to true independent fan ownership when they refused to let us carry out independent due diligence. These concerns have been exacerbated in recent months when we started exploring well known structures of fan ownership already in place at Hearts and Motherwell. These were presented as initial draft to Working Together but were rejected outright.
However, this is a separate democratic members organisation and there are still decisions to be made. The directors of TJF will come back to you with the options that we have on next steps for TJF.
We are genuinely sorry to write to you in this way but you have a group of hard working volunteers that are trying to make this work and sometimes when you try to please everybody you end up pleasing nobody. Lesson learned.
We will respect the democratic decision that you as members make.
The Board of TJF.