The Jags Foundation is delighted to announce our latest recruit. Kris Doolan, the men’s team manager, has joined the ranks of our now almost 1400 members.
Kris has always been incredibly supportive of Thistle-fan-led initiatives, first in his time as a player and now as manager. We all know the affection he holds for our Club, and how lucky we are to have him.
Two of TJF’s board members, Heather Holloway and Stuart Callison, joined Kris (who is, of course, member #9) at Firhill on Monday, ahead of the launch of our Under 16s memberships. You’ll hear more about the launch of these very soon.
How you can help Kris
Our members have been absolutely phenomenal in their support of the Foundation in recent months, and recent weeks especially. As things stand, TJF’s board is confident that we can sustainably support the Club to the tune of £10k per month, beginning with July, on top of the £50k donation we made earlier in June.
As Kris has said, this makes a huge difference to the Club’s budgeting and planning, and enables him to recruit and retain key assets to support our efforts on the park.
There are three ways that you as a fan can make a difference.
Buy a season ticket
Firstly, if you are able, please buy a season ticket. Maximising up-front sales makes it much easier for the Club to plan, and means that more funds can be directed to the player budget.
Pledge to TJF
Help us Fill Firhill
Thirdly, help us to get new faces along to Firhill at the start of the new season. The long term success of the Club depends on building up our support.