TJF Board
Election Candidates

Four nominations were received for the four vacancies in the TJF Board due to arise at the 2024 AGM in June.

A members ballot will take place to determine the terms of office of the candidates. The three highest-ranked candidates will be elected for a term of up to three years, whereas the fourth placed candidate will be elected for a term of one year.

Members of TJF over the age of 16 have been sent information about how to cast their ballot. Voting will commence on Wednesday 22nd May. All ballots must be cast no later than 10pm BST on Wednesday 29th May 2024.

If you are eligible to vote but have not received your Voter ID and Voter Key, email

You can find the list of candidates, complete with personal statements, below.

Dave Brown

Maryhill born and bred, within the sound of The Shed. I have been a Jags fan for over 50 years.

Recently retired, I would love to bring my time and experience to the Jags Foundation to enable the continuing success of the football club and our growth as a fan owned organisation.

My 40+ year working background is based in various types of manufacturing and with many multi-national companies. In this time I have managed to build a varied skill set in developing businesses.

With respect to the board role within the Jags Foundation, I believe a strong personnel, sales and marketing capability are the most directly applicable and transferrable skills that could benefit the board.

For me, the goal for the 24/25 season to “grow the fund raising base” is no small task but I believe we have the attractive football team and the passion within our fan community to deliver on that. Our influence should extend beyond Maryhill, North Glasgow and the West End of the city and that is one area that I believe requires deeper development to help provide that growth.

Jamie McDonald

Hi, I’m Jamie. I have been a Thistle fan since I was 11 years old. I am now 22 and the addiction to our wonderful club that started years ago has never worn off.

As time has gone by, I have enjoyed becoming more involved within the fanbase of our club, be that on Twitter or being a member of the podcast, Draw, Lose or Draw.

Over the last year in particular, I have been happy to finally meet a lot of the great people in our fanbase who I only knew through social media.

The recent growth that the club has experienced in the fanbase and atmosphere has been unbelievable, clearly demonstrating why our fanbase deserves top flight football.

As a TJF board member I would aim to try and help continue to grow our amazing fanbase, through social media and communicating with the club regarding ways of helping increase attendances.

Representing the views of our younger fans, who are the future of our club, would be critical to me.

Finally, I would also aim to assist with the TJF social media presence, which I believe is key to increasing the foundation’s membership.

The Jags Foundation is crucial to the long term growth and security of our beloved football club and I would love to help in any way I can.

Our fanbase is more than just a fanbase, it is a family, full of amazing characters all linked by one core passion.

Our football club means the world to me, I am only one member of our support, but having the chance to represent the supporters who are the lifeblood of Partick Thistle, nothing would make me prouder.

Derek McLeish

After a successful career in the regulated financial services industry including a spell running my own Consultancy Company I opted for retirement last year in order to pursue other interests.

High up on that list was a desire to become more involved in the fan ownership model at Partick Thistle so I put my name forward for election last year, unfortunately narrowly missing out on that occasion.

However at the tail end of the year I was then privileged to be approached by the TJF Chairman and asked to consider being co-opted onto the Board to take over the role as Treasurer. I was delighted to accept this proposal and subsequently joined to take over this position until the formal elections this June.

Since joining I’ve worked closely with my TJF Board colleagues as well as the Football Club Board to further promote, develop and embed the fan ownership model at this great Club.

I’ve been a Jags fan since I was 16 and a current season ticket holder, and it would be an honour to accept your vote to formally enable me to continue in the role as Treasurer and to be a Board representative for all members’ interests.

 Caitlin Rose

I have been a Thistle supporter my entire life, it is something incredibly special that I share with my dad and I cherish the time I get to spend with him at Firhill and Petershill park.

We attend both the men’s and women’s games together. I always stand by the fact that I have always felt welcome, and included as a Thistle fan, the sense of community that Thistle provides me with is honestly next to none. I often say to people that home isn’t always just a building, it’s somewhere you can be yourself, comfortable and welcome. Firhill, Petershill Park,Thistle in general, is home to me, it’s my family.

I want everyone to experience that. I want to drive home that football is for everyone, I am huge women’s football fan in general, and it’s something that I am incredibly passionate about, especially with increasing accessibility.

Outside football, I work for a homeless charity, I have been successful in creating partnerships with our charity and others, to increase workflow and access to services.

I am kind and compassionate individual, who seeks to help others, I feel like I could make a positive difference at the club.

Our Club, Our Future, Our Hands