Message from the PTFC Trust trustees
Thank you to everyone who voted in the inaugural Fan Representative elections to the Partick Thistle Football Club Board of Directors.
Last night, the Election Management Committee (EMC) signed-off on the results. The candidates were notified earlier today, and we are now in a position to communicate the results to all beneficiaries.
We would like to thank Dougie McMahon of SMISA for serving as the independent EMC member.
An impressive 991 beneficiaries took part out of an eligible 2357 in total. This represents a 42% turnout.
This compares favourably with turnout at the equivalent elections at other fan-owned football clubs. We’re delighted that Jags fans have been engaged by this process and this was reflected in the strength of the pool of candidates.
The results of the ballot were as follows:
Allan McGraw – 616 votes
Alistair Gray – 394 votes
John Kane – 332 votes
Gary Murray – 236 votes
Stephen Silver – 157 votes
Charles Kerr Bryson – 135 votes
The two candidates with the highest number of votes were therefore Allan McGraw and Alistair Gray. Both have indicated to us this morning that they are willing to accept the nomination of the PTFC Trust for appointment to the Club Board.
The Club Board was formally notified this afternoon, and, subject to clearance, we expect them to join the Club’s leadership group shortly.
Your new Club Board Representatives
We would like to congratulate Allan and Alistair on their election success, and look forward to working with them in the season ahead. Their elected terms of office will expire at the late 2025/early 2026 Club AGM, by which time we hope to have more permanent arrangements in place for elected fan representation.
Allan McGraw
PTFC Trust – Club Board Nominee
Alistair Gray
PTFC Trust – Club Board Nominee
With these being new roles, it will take a bit of time for everything to bed-in. We hope that Allan and Alistair will serve as ambassadors for the values of fan ownership at Club Board level, and help put the fans at the centre of strategic decision-making wherever they can.
The timing of their appointment is really useful, as they can positively influence the leadership team’s plans for the 2024-25 season.
The unsuccessful candidates
We also want to express our commiserations for the unsuccessful candidates, John Kane, Gary Murray, Stephen Silver and Charles Kerr Bryson.
All four of them have much to offer Partick Thistle in terms of their skills, experience and desire to represent their fellow fans.
It’s important to stress that fan representation and fan influence doesn’t begin and end at the door of the boardroom.
Fan ownership isn’t just about elections, it’s about the things we do every day to make Partick Thistle the cornerstone of our community and a thriving football club.
There will be plenty of opportunities for the unsuccessful candidates, and others, to become involved at Thistle in the year ahead.
We would also encourage every beneficiary, if they aren’t already, to become a member of one or both of TJF and The Jags Trust ahead of the new season.
Any questions?
If you have any questions about the election process, please get in touch at
Best wishes
The PTFC Trust trustees